Illinois Child Care Centers

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) sets the reimbursement rates for the Child and Adult Care Food Program. It may adjust them by a small amount annually, on July 1, according to changes in the cost of living.

Providers are reimbursed for a maximum of two meals and one snack, OR one meal and two snacks, per child per day. These meals must meet certain requirements established by the USDA in what we refer to as a “meal pattern.”

Effective July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023

BreakfastLunch/Dinner Snack
Free$2.21$4.03 $1.18
Reduced$1.91$3.63 $0.64
Paid$0.45$0.47 $0.19

Each month, participating child care providers submit a reimbursement claim to ACD outlining the meals and snacks they served as well as the children who received them. After reviewing the claims, we apply to the Illinois State Board of Education for the reimbursement money. As soon as the funds become available, we mail the reimbursements to our providers in the form of a check or deposit them directly into their savings or checking account.

Money Flow Chart

usda logo
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
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Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)
acd logo
Association for Child Development (ACD)
child care provider
ACD Child Care Provider
meals and snacks
Meals & Snacks Served to Children
ACD Staff
Child Care Homes
Child Care Centers